Dairy farmers ask questions similar to greenhouse owners such as: is the plastic lasting long enough and is there enough air moving through?

While roll up polyethylene curtains are a staple of greenhouse manufacturers as a cost effective way of delivering good airflow, those same curtains (sometimes modified) are also a staple in livestock management.
Healthy air flow is critical for both industries, just as those involved in raising pigs, https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2023/Q1/500,000-grant-targets-lack-of-air-quality-data-in-swine-production.html
Opening the curtains can reduce cooling costs, closing curtains can reduce heating costs: https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/market-news/air-leakage-insulation-sidewall-curtains-and-rising-energy-costs.

Combining shade cloths and curtains can do double duty throughout the year by providing ventilation and insulation.
2023 has been Acadian’s year to offer high quality curtains to greenhouse growers and livestock farmers. Customizations are available to support your design considerations from eyelets on curtains to a mix of widths to meet your customer’s specific ventilation needs. Some details on ventilation:
Our curtains in clear or opaque offer a flexible affordable option for ventilation and reduction of gasses like methane, ammonia and airborne and dust. Acadian’s specialty is providing quality products that address product performance 365 days a year over several seasons.